$ git clone
$ cd FaceterFogClient
$ docker-compose pull
& docker-compose up -d
FACE tokens do not represent equity, shares, royalties or rights to capital, dividends, profit or income in the entity that issues tokens or any other entity in any jurisdiction. Faceter does not offer securities, shares, options or futures, or solicits any securities or assets for investment purposes.
Neither any information on Faceter websites, blogs, presentations and other publications, nor its whitepaper or terms and conditions are intended to be a financial services offering document or a prospectus.
You should be mindful of the potential high risks involved in the token sale. You must use your own judgment or consult a professional for advice on such matters.
The Faceter token sale involves and relates to the development and use of bleeding-edge and experimental technologies that may not turn out as expected or be brought to completion as specified in the whitepaper, on the Faceter websites or in other media.
The use of any data or information about Faceter products, services and the FACE token sale provided by Faceter in the whitepaper, on the Faceter websites or in other media, does not and cannot guarantee that you will make profits or will not incur losses. Such data and information is intended merely for informational purposes.